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(858) 220-2345

San Diego Amazon Infringement Attorneys

Have you experienced the frustration of having your product removed from Amazon due to Intellectual Property (IP) infringement claims? It’s a situation many sellers encounter, often without a clear understanding of how to proceed. At T-Rex Law, we help businesses and individuals navigate these challenges and regain their presence on one of the world’s largest online marketplaces.

If your Amazon product listing has been removed due to a claim of copyright, patent, or other intellectual property infringement, T-Rex Law is here to help.

Call us today at (858) 220-2345 for a free consultation or reach out to us here.

What is Amazon Delisting for IP Infringement?

Amazon takes IP infringement claims seriously. If a patent holder accuses your product of infringing their rights, Amazon’s primary concern is to limit liability and ensure compliance. As a result, they might swiftly remove your product without delving into the intricate details of the claim’s validity. Therefore, even though a product has been delisted for a claim of infringement, this does not necessarily mean that the claim is valid.

How Can We Help?

At T-Rex Law, we offer comprehensive services to assist businesses in addressing Amazon delistings due to IP infringement claims. Our team of San Diego Amazon Infringement Attorneys are experienced in patent, copyright, and trademark infringement and understands the complexities involved in such cases.

  1. Reinstating Your Product: We strategize and negotiate with patent holders to reach agreements that allow your product to be relisted on Amazon. Our aim is to find amicable solutions that benefit both parties.
  2. Opinion Letters: Our team can provide professional opinion letters asserting non-infringement. These letters serve as powerful evidence when presenting your case to Amazon, showcasing legal expertise and diligence in ensuring compliance with intellectual property laws.

Regain your presence on Amazon and don’t let an IP infringement claim keep your product off Amazon. Contact us at (858) 220-2345 to discuss your case and explore how our San Diego Amazon Infringement Lawyers can help you reclaim your marketplace presence.